Teachers: Mrs H Coxan and Miss A Sykes 

Teaching Assistants: Miss L Kilburn and Mrs T Jarrett




Homework will be set on a Friday. This will sometimes be sent home in bookbags and will also be sent on our Class Dojo! You can use the homework book we will be sending home with your child to record any of the homework we set in it and then upload a picture of it on to Dojo! This saves the homework book needing to come back and forth in and out of school.

If you do not have access to the internet or Class Dojo then feel free to send their homework books in with your child.


Please support your child and encourage the completion of homework as it will either revisit work already taught that week or prepare the children for what is coming up the next week.

.About Year 1

We wanted to let you know a little bit about what goes on in Year 1. 

We begin the year off with a play based curriculum and classroom (a little like Early Years), to help children settle in more readily to a new school year. 

The children take part in small group learning sessions as well as working independently on some tasks. 

They have access to outdoor provision, however this has a focus to it and will usually reflect the learning that is taking place inside the classroom.

Children have a morning break and an afternoon break where they get chance to see the children from the other Year 1 class. 

As the year progresses, we begin having more formal lessons in the classroom and have more children working at one time. This will consist of two groups working with the adults in the classroom and two groups working independently. We will always make sure that all children work with the adults in the room on a rotation basis from day to day. 

Year one has a great, action packed curriculum for the children to access, and as teachers we always do our best to make sure this is doing in an invigorating, exciting way!

Just because our lesson become more formal, doesn't mean the fun stops!

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us, through email, Class Dojo or the office. 


Thank you!

Ms H Coxan, Miss A Sykes