Welcome to all the new children and families that have been allocated a place at our school, from September 2022. We are looking forward to getting to know you and can't wait for you to join our school.



Starting school is a milestone, not only for your child but also for parents/carers. You may be excited, or perhaps a little concerned about your child taking these first steps towards independence at school. At Gomersal Primary School, we aim to build a good relationship between home and school, so that everybody involved can ensure your child gets the very best induction that is happy, settled and positive. 

This webpage has been designed to enable you to find out more information about starting our school.


Document section.      Only fill out ONE Getting to Know your child/ Tapestry form. The word format form will allow you to type in responses and the PDF one will need printing out, completing by hand and returning to the school office. 

Tapestry online journal agreement form - PDF

Tapestry online journal agreement form - Word format


Getting to know your child - new form to fill out and return to school -  - word format

 Getting to know your child - new form to fill out and return to school -  - PDF